
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Individual Learner Differences In Second Language Acquisition Education Essay

1. IntroductionThe fact that competence degrees attained by second lingual converse savants fluctuate so greatly ( Lightbown and Spada, 2006 53 ) , raises an repugn inquiry with respects to 2nd lingual converse eruditeness ( SLA ) , wherefore argon most souls weaken at geting lingual communion than some early(a)s? A major ground for this fluctuation in L2 proficiency degrees is norm everyy attributed to ace educatee differences ( ILDs ) , ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2005 2 ) .This essay sets out to produce the of substance manipulation that ILDs play in SLA, with an in-depth treatment on the part made by L2 motor. Three influential theories offering distinct positions on L2 former the Socio-educational supposed account, self-g overnment system and the Process hypothetic account will be discussed in item. I will overly look at the theoretical dis transmitments presently taking topographic foreshadow in L2 fountain query, ahead reasoning with a treatment on the avoidances that instructors stop utilise to instil and nurture causative in their pupils.2. habit of ILDs in SLAIndividual differences argon al unmatched larning features which are present in all savants to changing grudges. They whoremaster dish to separate acquisition demands and place the finish to which pupils will win in geting a 2nd lingual communication ( Lightbown and Spada, 2006 ) . These differences are societal, cognitive and assumeional in reputation, and include readiness, motivation, age, personality, larning schemes, larning manners and unease ( for detailed reappraisals, see for illustration, Naiman et al 1995 Skehan 1989 D & A ouml rnyei 2005 ) .Their relevancy to lingual communication compassment has made ILDs, a focal point of spacious att quiting in SLA research ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2005 ) . Developments in research, oddly in relation to aptitude and author, has seen a displacement from a product-orientated flame to a to a grea ter extent process-orientated stance ( ibid 6 ) . Recent surveies contrive highlighted the enormousness of the temporal role nature and situational context of scholar features ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2009 ) . flow statements neverthe little, retain suggested that kind of than being massive variables, ILDs are abstruse properties nursing home of a conclave of sub-components and sub-processes ( ibid ) . All ILDs are implicated in linguistic communication acquisition, nevertheless they do non work in isolation and some even have elements in common ( Gardner, 2008 ) .A expression at some of the influential theories which have emerged from research on L2 theme over the in the end 50 old ages will assist to explicate the complex function that ILDs can play in the linguistic communication larning mathematical function.3. L2 penuryMotivation is a scholars orientation towards larning ends ( Gardner, 1985 ) , and is regarded by many as the most influential ILD in the linguistic co mmunication larning map ( Ellis, 1985 ) . Therefore its relevancy to the schoolroom surround becomes apparent, and to cognize what drives this motive is of great pedagogic betrothal.Many of the scholar features mired in the SLA procedure are dependent on, and in some instances in all overridden by motive ( Gardner, 2006 ) . A scholar with a natural aptitude for larning linguistic communication possible action, for illustration, whitethorn happen it hard to achieve long-run linguistic communication ends without the necessary motive ( ibid ) . On the former(a) manus, high degrees of motive may take to advantageful acquisition, even where dwarfish aptitude exists for linguistic communication ( ibid ) .Theories looking to explicate the function of motive in linguistic communication acquisition have evolved through four chief phases. D & A ouml rnyei ( 2005 ) categorises these as the Social Psychological period ( 1959-1990 ) the Cognitive-Situated period ( 1990 s ) the Proc ess-orientated phase ( late 1990 s ) and eventually a period ( last decennary ) consisting of new advances that have focused on a scholars spirit of self-identity. Table 1 summarises the chief L2 motive theories and gives.3.1. The Social Psychological round to L2 motiveInterest in L2 motive was initiated by societal psychologists Wallace Lambert, Robert Gardner and associates every bit primaeval as 1959, looking to rede the linguistic communication and culturalApproach to motiveExamplesSocial-psychologicalSocio-educational theoretical account, ( Gardner, 1985 ) .Cardinal constructs combinatorial motive, Integrativeness, integrative orientation. conjecture of Linguistic agency, ( Clement, 1986 ) .Cardinal constructs Self-confidence a self-belief of holding the ability to take out off the acquisition procedure.Cognitive SituatedSelf-determination theory, ( Brown, 1994 Noels et al. , 2000 ) .Cardinal constructs intrinsic/extrinsic motive, amotivation.Attribution theory, ( Weiner, 1992 ) .Cardinal constructs imputing foregone success or analyseure to current actions.Goal puting theory, ( Oxford and Shearin, 1994 ) .Cardinal constructs Cognitive perceptual drive of ends as a motivation factor.Goal orientation theory, ( Ames, 1992 ) .Cardinal constructs Goal command andperformance orientations.Motivation and scholar scheme usage, ( Oxford and Nyikos 1989, Macintyre et al. , 1996 ) .Cardinal constructs Motivation as a cardinal factor in evoke scheme usage.Task Motivation, ( Julkunen, 2001 Dornyei, 2003 ) .Cardinal constructs travail executing, assessment, action control.Assorted approach pathI. Willingness to pass on, ( Macintyre et al. , 1998, 2003 ) .Cardinal constructs Willingness to pass on as a cardinal factor for accomplishingcommunicative competence.Process-orientatedProcess theoretical account, ( Dornyei and Otto, 1998 Dornyei, 2001b ) .Cardinal constructs temporal nature of motive, which includes a preactional/actional/postactional p hase.Current and futurityL2 motivational ego system, ( Dornyei, 2005 ) .Cardinal constructs ideal L2 ego, ought-to L2 ego.Complex energising systems, ( Larsen-Freeman, 2007 ) .Cardinal constructs incorporating different theoretical positions.Table 1. Some of the different attacks used in L2 motive researchstruggles between English and Gallic speech production communities in Canada. Their research adopted a socio-psychological attack, based on the cardinal view that a scholar s success in geting a 2nd linguistic communication is dictated by an attitude towards the scar linguistic communication union ( Gardner, 1985 ) . Their research on pupils larning Gallic showed that aptitude and motive are closely associated with accomplishment in linguistic communication acquisition ( ibid ) . They think that motive is characterised by an person s willingness to be like members of the seduce community ( ibid ) .A theoretical account based on a socio-psychological attack that has been reall y influential in L2 motive research is Gardner s socio-educational theoretical account ( see for illustration, Gardner and Lambert, 1972 Gardner, 1985 Gardner and MacIntyre, 1991 ) . The most recent version of this theoretical account is shown in figure 1.LANGUAGE ACHIEVMENTOther Factors( for illustration, acquire schemes, linguistic communication fretting ( Gardner, 2001 ) )Other SupportLANGUAGE APTITUDEINTEGRATIVE MOTIVATIONINTEGRATIVENESSMotivationATTITUDE TOWARDS THE LEARNING SIITUATIONFigure 1. A basic theoretical account of the function of motive in SLA ( fitted from Gardner ( 2001b ) ) .The most luxuriant and researched facet of Gardner s theoretical account is integrative motive , which he defines as the motive to larn a L2 because of a appointed attitude towards, and a desire to hold back with that community ( Gardner, 2001b ) . The leash variables that constitute integrative motive are ( ibid ) Integrativeness this represents a desire to larn a 2nd linguistic com munication to place with the mark community, and is reflected in a scholar s look through the followersAn integrative orientation, stand foring the ground for acquisition, which in this instance is an function in larning an L2 to interact with the mark community.A haughty attitude towards the mark linguistic communication group.An involvement in foreign linguistic communications or a general openness to all linguistic communication groups.Attitudes towards the acquisition state of affairs ( ATLS ) this refers to attitudes towards the linguistic communication instructor, the partition in general, the class stuffs and other factors related to to the larning context.Motivation this is a scholar s end driven behaviour. A motivated scholar makes a conjunct attempt to larn a linguistic communication, for illustration by devising surplusage work and seeking more than than learning chances, displays a unshakable desire to larn a linguistic communication and is focused on accompl ishing the end, enjoys acquisition and has an overall positive attitude towards the acquisition procedure.An integratively motivated scholar is hence motivated to larn a 2nd linguistic communication, grieve to interact and be associated with the mark community, and has a positive mentality on the learning state of affairs. To prolong consistent degrees of motive, integrativeness and/or a positive ATLS are indispensable features, nevertheless, it is the motive component of the Integrative Motivation composite plant that is the active variable and which straight influences wrangle Achievement ( Gardner, 2001b 6 ) . Therefore, a scholar who has a high degree of integrativeness and/or a positive attitude towards larning, but is low in motive is improbable to accomplish high degrees of proficiency.The affect of submissive factors on L2 motive was non included in Gardner s nucleus theory, but he suggests that they could be one of the other countenances jaring motive ( Gardner, 20 01a 7 ) . Based on this, it is possible to replace integrativeness with orchestration in the representation of the theoretical account in figure 1, to deem what Gardner calls Instrumental Motivation ( ibid ) . This is a motive to larn a L2 for slavish additions, much(prenominal) as better employment or instruction. An instrumentally motivated scholar has specific communicative demands, which provide a intent for larning and an drift for booming linguistic communication acquisition ( Gardner and Lambert, 1972 ) .Gardner s theoretical account makes small mention to other properties, for illustration, personal aspirations and past dumbfounds, which could impact an integratively motivated scholar. However, verifiable research in different contexts is continuously conveying to illume the surmisal of including more factors in the general L2 motivational concept. To look into Gardner s theoretical account for adaptability, Tremblay and Gardner ( 1995 ) amalgamated other measuring s of motive, such as anxiousness and goal-setting schemes. empiric testing of the drawn-out theoretical account showed that add-on of the excess variables did non impact the construction of the pilot theoretical account ( ibid ) .Research on motive in different context has led some applied linguists to image the impression of the linguistic communication community associated with integrative motive is unjustifiable for international scholars of English ( Ushioda and D & A ouml rnyei, 2009 ) . In a multi-lingual smart set like China, for illustration, few chances exist for interacting with native English communities. In such a context, instrumental motive or outside factors ( for illustration, tests and employment ) are more prevailing among scholars than a desire for incorporating with native talkers of English ( Warden and Lin, 2008 ) .For this ground, other research workers have suggested that the integrative concept should at least be re-examined by including the planetar y L2 larning context and the multi-dimensionality of a scholar s man-to-manity. D & A ouml rnyei and Csizer, ( 2002 ) suggested that sort of than placing with an external linguistic communication community, the integrative construct could be more veraciously linked to a scholar s internal procedure of designation with a self-concept. D & A ouml rnyei s ( 2005 ) motivational self-system which developed from this thought is discussed in subdivision Self-government Theory and SLAInfluenced by progresss in motivational psychological science, and a demand to understand the classroom-situated nature of motive, L2 research moved on from a socio-psychological attack, to look at affects of classroom-situated factors on motive.Self-government theory ( SDT ) is a extremely influential attack in motivational psychological science, and some(prenominal) surveies have attempted to integrate some of its constituents to explicate L2 motive ( for illustration, Brown, 1994 Noels et a l. , 2000 ) .Harmonizing to this theory there are three types of scholar motives intrinsic motive, extrinsic motive, and amotivation ( Deci and Ryan, 2002 ) . These motives form a continuum depending on the grade of scholar self-determination, where self-government is as an person s sense of fill and control over the learning procedure ( ibid ) . built-in Motivation ( IM ) refers to an person s motive to set slightly an activity, strictly for personal feelings of delight and enjoyment associated with that activity, and is driven by a desire for dexterity and self-government ( Noel et al. , 2000 ) . Intrinsically motivated pupils are considered more probably to accomplish license, competency and fulfil long-run linguistic communication ends ( Ramage, 1990 ) . outside motive ( EM ) , on the other manus, relates to actions carried out for instrumental additions, in hunt for wage or to avoid penalty ( Noels et al. , 2000 ) . This motive can change in degree depending on the exte nt to which the activity is controlled by the scholar or other variables ( Deci and Ryan, 2002 ) .Vallerand et al. , ( 1993 ) have suggested six subtypes of IM and EM which lie on a continuum of self-government ( see table 2 ) .Christmass ( 2001 ) suggests that L2 learner motive can be assessed utilizing the intrinsic and extrinsic concepts. These motives nevertheless, do non needfully hold to be sole, for illustration, a scholar whose behavior is consistent with identified ordinance may besides exhibit some of the next motives on the continuum ( ibid ) .Self-governmentType of MotivationDescriptionHighNothingIntrinsic Motivation to cognizePerforming an activity for the pleasance associated with acquisition or researching new cognition. E.g. , when reading a new book.Intrinsic Motivation to run for throughPerforming an activity for the pleasance associated with carry throughing or reservation something. E.g. , a pupil making more prep than is required.Intrinsic Motivation to see stimulationPerforming an activity for the stirred esthesiss ( e.g. pleasance and hullabaloo ) associated with battle with the activity. E.g. , a pupil who goes to category for the pleasance of take component in treatments.Extrinsic Motivation Identified commandmentExtrinsic motive is internalised to the extent that learner behavior is regulated by a sense of value and utility of the activity to the ego. E.g. , a pupil who surveies the repulsiveness before an test because they think it is of import to them.Extrinsic Motivation Introjected RegulationLearner behavior is regulated by internalization of past external agencies. E.g. , analyzing the dark before an test because it is expected of a good pupil.Extrinsic Motivation External RegulationLearner behavior is regulated tout ensemble by external agencies ( wagess or restraints ) demoing the least self-determined signifier of extrinsic motive. E.g. , Analyzing the dark before an test because of absorb per unit area from pare nts.AmotivationA neediness of extrinsic and intrinsic motive. A scholar feels their behavior is regulated by factors out of their control, and may finally drop out of the acquisition procedure.Table 2. Language Learning Orientation Scale Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Motivation and Amotivation ( adapted from Vallerand et al. , ( 1993 ) ) .Intrinsic motive is characterised by a strong sense of self-government, and is closely associated with integrative motive ( Noels, 2001 ) . This suggests that pupils larning a linguistic communication for pleasance may besides be seeking interaction with the L2 community. Intrinsic motive nevertheless, is identified more with attitudes towards larning, than the mark community ( ibid 54 ) .The societal environment ( for illustration, the instructor, household members and the L2 community ) has considerable influence on a pupil s perceptual experience of self-government. A instructor plays a cardinal function in this respect, and can advance intri nsic motive by promoting learner liberty and supplying positive feedback ( Noels, 2000 55 ) . Similarly, pupils larning for intrinsic grounds are more sensitive to the instructor s instructional manner ( ibid ) .In contrast, the less self-determined external ordinance constituent of extrinsic motive is linked to instrumental behavior ( Noels, 2001 53 ) . A restriction of extrinsic behavior is that it can hold short-run features. A survey carried out by Ramage ( 1990 ) showed that pupils who learnt a linguistic communication for academic grounds are more likely to stop future linguistic communication categories. Extrinsic class burden per unit areas, for illustration, compulsory reading, can besides negatively impact a scholar s intrinsic involvements ( D & A ouml rnyei, 1994a ) .3.3. A Process-orientated attack to motiveD & A ouml rnyei and Otto s ( 1998 ) procedure theoretical account of motive integrates mixed theoretical positions of L2 motive, and draws attending to the tem poral nature of motive in schoolroom acquisition. The theoretical account is influenced by Heckhausen and Kuhl s Action control theory, which proposes devil consecutive point in times of motivational behavior an person s motive to fancy up an attending, and a motive to originate and prolong the intended action ( Heckhausen, 1991 ) .D & A ouml rnyei and Otto s theoretical account interruptions down the motivational procedure into three temporal stages. The offset relates to the transmutation of initial desires to ends, and so purposes. The adjacent sees these purposes being enacted, taking to the successful/unsuccessful achievement of ends, and the concluding stage is an overall rating of the acquisition procedure ( see figure 2 ) .Preactional Phase( Choice Motivation )Motivational Functions generate motive to choose a end organize an purpose to move choose an action program to enjoin the purpose.Possible factors act uponing motive end belongingss attitude towards the acqu isition procedure attitude towards the mark community perceptual experience of self-ability societal environmental encouragement or disheartenment.Actional Phase( Executive Motivation )Motivational Functions transport out sub-tasks to take note motive ongoing assessment of accomplishment action control ( self-regulation to assist persist with larning ) .Possible factors act uponing motive quality of the learning experience grade of liberty teacher, learner group and household influence/support schoolroom construction ( competitory or co-operative ) cognition and ability to utilize self-motivating, goal-setting and learning schemes.Postactional Phase( Motivational Retrospection )Motivational Functions property grounds to success or failure elaborate internal criterions and action-specific schemes disregard original purpose and far planning.Possible factors act uponing motive personal ascription manner assurance feedback.Figure 2. Process theoretical account of L2 larni ng motive ( adapted from Dornyei, ( 2003 19 ) ) .An of import averment made by the process-orientated theoretical account is that motivational behavior is influenced by different factors. Consequently, different theories of motive can be associated with each stage ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2003 18 ) . Integrativeness, for illustration, may be the motivational influence on end scene in the preactional phase. In the administrator stage, situated facets of motive drama a greater function, mechanisms of the undertaking impact system are more relevant here ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2003 ) . The retrospective links that scholars make between the original end and literal accomplishment in the post-actional phase are likely to be attributed to past acquisition experiences, a motivational behavior addressed by Weiner ( 1992 ) in the ascription theory.Two facets that the theoretical account overlooks are the possibility of several actional procedures running at the same time, or an actional proced ure with multiple motivational influences ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2003 ) . This is likely in a school scene, where pupils a great deal have multiple ends ( for illustration, societal and academic ) and overlapping motivational influences ( for illustration, undertaking, class or course of study related ) ( ibid ) . The theoretical account assumes that the actional procedures have defined boundaries, nevertheless in an educational context it may be hard to place where one actional procedure starts and the following Begins.3.4. Present and future The motivational self-system and a Dynamic systems attack.Since the socio-psychological period of motive research, the planetary sphere of English has changed vastly. The rapid globalization of English has challenged the cogency of many SLA theories ( Kachru, 1988 ) , because these theories fail to see the context of the universe Englishes scholar ( Sridhar and Sridhar, 1992 ) .With limited or no contact opportunities with the native mark com munity, the impression of a self-concept ( mentioning to an person s images and knowledges of the ego ) suggested by D & A ouml rnyei and Csizer ( 2002 ) , is perchance a more relevant motivational characteristic in many EFL contexts. D & A ouml rnyei developed this thought farther, in his L2 motivational self-system, which equated integrativeness with an ideal L2 ego ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2005 2010 ) . The chief constituentsof this system are ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2010 ) example L2 Self a L2-specific image of the properties that one would wish to possess. For illustration, hopes, desires, aspirations.Ought-to L2 Self a self-guide which refers to those properties one thinks one ought to possess to run into outlooks and avoid negative results.L2 Learning Experience this refers to the executive motivations ( similar to those identified in the Process theoretical account ) associated with the immediate acquisition environment and experience. For illustration, impact of the instructor, other scholars, the class, the experience of success.The hypothesis behind the self-system is that a scholars desire to go a individual proficient in the L2, serves as a powerful actuating force to larn a linguistic communication ( Ushioda and D & A ouml rnyei, 2009 3-4 ) . A recent survey in the Nipponese context showed that this desire stand for by the ideal L2 ego is tantamount to the construct of integrativeness in Gardner s socio-educational theoretical account, but the ideal L2 ego is likely more accurate in explicating motivated behavior ( Ryan, 2009 )D & A ouml rnyei s thought of puting the self at the Centre of the conceptual function of motive offers a new position, nevertheless it overlooks the process-orientated, and contextually dynamic nature of motive. Justifying this complex nature of L2 motive, can me blaspheme be possible by incorporating more than one attack ( Macintyre et al. , 2010 ) .A possibility of uniting different positions of motive is s uggested by Ushioda ( 2009 ) with her person-in-context, relational position of emergent motive. She suggests that incorporating relevant theoretical models to back up future analysis of the complex nature of interactive procedures and contextual factors in motivational behavior can assist to supply a better apprehension of how L2 motive is shaped ( ibid ) .A similar possibility is offered by the theoretical paradigms of dynamic systems theory ( for a elaborate reappraisal, see Larsen-Freeman and Cameron, 2008 ) . This theory involves a survey of systems, where the system is analysed as a whole instead than as its single parts ( ibid ) . Learner fluctuation is seen as the final result of a complex system of relevant factors working in unison, instead than as a consequence of differences in single determiners ( for illustration, aptitude or motive ) ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2009 ) . As an illustration of an application of a dynamic systems attack to L2 acquisition, D & A ouml rnyei s uggests the possibility of placing an optimum combination of motivational, cognitive and affectional factors with respect to task behavior, that map as an stop unit ( for a elaborate reappraisal see, ibid ) .4. The practical value of theory motivational schemes for the schoolroomChomsky ( 1988 ) emphasises the critical function played by instructors in scholar motive by proposing that 90 nine per cent of learning involves acquiring pupils interested in larning. A linguistic communication instructor s motivational pattern is besides linked straight to increased degrees of scholar motive ( Guilloteaux and D & A ouml rnyei, 2008 ) . Therefore, the demand to utilize appropriate schemes to hustle off schoolroom motive is highly relevant to L2 practicians.Motivational schemes are techniques used by a instructor to pull off learner motive, or used by single scholars to modulate their ain motive degrees ( Guilloteaux and D & A ouml rnyei, 2008 ) . Although, several motive schemes hav e been proposed in L2 literary works ( for illustration, Williams and Burden, 1997 D & A ouml rnyei, 2001a Alison and Halliwell, 2002 ) , really few are supported by empirical grounds. Self-motivating schemes for scholars are an even less researched country of L2 motive ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2006 ) .An illustration of an luxuriant, theory-based model which looks at motivational schemes from twain a instructor and leaner position is proposed by D & A ouml rnyei ( 2001a ) . This theoretical account consists of four stages ( ibid ) devising the basic motivational status, by set uping a good student-teacher relationship, a relaxed acquisition atmosphere and a cohesive scholar group.Generating initial motive byStrengthening linguistic communication related set and attitudes ( intrinsic, integrative or instrumental values ) .Increasing the anticipation of success.Increasing goal-orientedness, for illustration, by doing scholars cognizant of the practical ( non-syllabus related ) grounds or value of making an activity.Making learning stuffs relevant.Making realistic scholar beliefs. Many new scholars have inaccurate beliefs about linguistic communication acquisition, a realization of their falsity can hold a demotivating influence.Keeping and protecting motive, to maintain sight of ends, and keep involvement and concentration. The most relevant schemes in this stage includeMaking the acquisition procedure stimulating and interesting.Showing undertakings in a motivation mode, doing them raise and relevant.Puting specific scholar ends.Continuing the scholar s self-esteem and advance their assurance.Making scholar liberty.Promoting self-motivating scholar schemes in order toContinue the original end committedness, for illustration, by promoting scholars to retrieve favorable outlooks or positive wagess. substantiate concentration, for illustration, by promoting scholars to place and pull off distractions and concentrate on the first stairss to take when get downing an activity.Eliminate ennui and add excess involvement in a undertaking, for illustration, by demoing scholars how to add a bowl over to a undertaking and utilizing their imaginativeness to do it more stimulating.Manage voluptuary emotions and bring forth a positive emotional province, for illustration, by acquiring pupils to self-encourage and presenting them to relaxation techniques.Remove negative and utilise positive environmental influences, for illustration, by promoting pupils to take distractions and inquiring for equal aid.Promoting positive retrospective self-evaluation, byPromoting positive scholar ascriptions ( an thought supported by the Attribution theory, Weiner, 1992 )Supplying motivational feedback, that is enlightening and encouraging. This can assist to increase learner satisfaction and assurance, and encourages reconstructive self-reflection on failings.Using wagess and classs carefully, as they can deflect the scholar from the breathing intent of th e undertaking ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2006730 ) . When they are used, they should be offered in a motivational mode.The most motivation of instructors are considered to be those who rely on a few simple and carefully selected techniques ( D & A ouml rnyei, 2006 730-731 ) . Therefore, accomplishing optimum degrees of scholar motive are more likely if motivational schemes are matched by a instructor selectively, to scholars specific demands.5. DecisionThis essay discussed the important function that motive, as an illustration of an ILD variable, plays in the long and backbreaking undertaking of 2nd linguistic communication acquisition. I presented three influential theories that have approached L2 motive from different positions, and looked at some of the current tendencies in motivational research. A expression at some possible motivational schemes present how theoretical constructs can be applied to better the quality of schoolroom acquisition.The motivational features of the L2 s cholar highlight the complex but influential function played by ILDs in SLA. Many of the variables involved in L2 motive have a grade of convergence, and interact both with each other and other ILDs ( Gardner, 2008 ) . In order to understand the true nature of these webs of interactions and their affect on L2 accomplishment, the possibilities offered by a dynamic systems attack is likely the exceed manner frontward.

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